首頁(yè) > 科室導航 > 國際醫療部



    二、醫務(wù)人員配備:國際醫療部共有工作人員主任醫師、主治醫師和醫師各1人,其中博士1人,本科2人??剖夜ぷ魈厣?.對外籍患者以英文為主的工作語(yǔ)言,所有工作人員需要熟練掌握一門(mén)以上的外語(yǔ),可以外文接診;2.對外籍患者實(shí)行以微信預約就診為主的診療服務(wù),實(shí)行預約制、會(huì )診制(我科室和就診科室會(huì )診)、全程陪診的一體化醫療服務(wù);3.注重保護患者隱私,未經(jīng)患者許可,不向任何無(wú)關(guān)人員泄露患者健康信息;4.實(shí)行VIP優(yōu)先就診通道,避免長(cháng)時(shí)間等待。

    1、 Basic information of the Department: the International Medical Department of our hospital is a special medical department opened in December 2015. It is mainly for foreigners who come to Zhengzhou to work, study and live, especially foreign patients with language communication barriers. It is a window for the hospital's external communication. The outpatient department is located on the first floor of the liver disease medical center, without wards. Through the cooperation with other departments, the hospital integrates high-quality resources, and provides outpatient and inpatient services for foreign patients. The Department mainly carries out wechat appointment and telephone appointment for foreign patients, and also provides non appointment service under special circumstances. In addition, on the premise of ensuring the normal diagnosis and treatment services for foreign patients, it also provides normal diagnosis and treatment services for domestic patients with digestive diseases. By making an appointment in advance, the patient provides the general condition, and the Department is responsible for contacting other professional departments that need to go to see a doctor, and accompany the whole process of diagnosis and treatment.

    2、 Medical staff: there are 1 chief physician, 1 attending physician and 1 physician in the international medical department, including 1 doctor and 2 undergraduate students. Department work features: 1. For foreign patients with English as the main working language, all staff need to be proficient in more than one foreign language, and can receive medical treatment in foreign language; 2. Implement wechat appointment based diagnosis and treatment service for foreign patients, implement the integrated medical service of appointment system, consultation system (consultation between our department and the treatment department), and whole process accompany; 3. Pay attention to the protection of patients' privacy Without the permission of the patient, do not disclose the patient's health information to any irrelevant personnel; 4.VIP priority access should be implemented to avoid long-term waiting.




    乘62、81、126、203、553、556、563、906、981、B16、Y17、111、B1路直達 地鐵:五號線(xiàn)京廣南路站下車(chē)向南500米

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